(Photo by Time.com)
It had to happen. You could say what you want. You can pound your chest about history and tradition. You can proclaim that the name isn't that bad. It was eventually going to happen, either way.
The Washington Redskins are no more.
In a time where racism has reached a fever pitch, the team had their hands tied as retailers where pulling Redskin merchandise from their websites and stores. Many people said the nickname and the logo is insensitive that characterizes Native Americans as mascots. Many people believe the nickname and logo is honoring Native Americans. Either side of the fence can add points to the issue about the team's name and logo. But in the end, owner Dan Snyder chose to change it.
But wait, how does a man who for many years was dead fast and committed to keeping the "Redskin" brand now all of a sudden wants to change it so swiftly? A man who actually made up a fake Native American group that was for the team name and logo just decided to have a change of heart? Simple. ($$$$$$$) Sponsors were willing to drop the team and take their business elsewhere. Dan Snyder was not going to have that. The man loves money. He was willing to sacrifice his conviction to keep the money rolling in.
People will point out that the name change is going to tarnish the history and tradition of the Washington Redskins. They won 3 Super Bowl Championships with the logo and name. They have been called the Redskins since 1933. They had some of the greatest players in NFL history wear the burgundy and gold. They had a Hall-of-Fame coach in Joe Gibbs who donned the colors and logo. So why would a team would mess with tradition? Remember, this debate didn't just start yesterday. People of all races have protested the name of the team for many, many years. Other sports have changed their name due to the ramifications of what the nickname represented. This isn't new. The Cleveland Indians are thinking about changing the name of their club and there will be others that will probably follow.
So, the name change looks like it's going to be a smooth transition. Here's where the story gets dicey. A man from Virginia named Martin McCaulay had purchased trademarks of potential names that the franchise would use if they chose to make the switch, which is happening. He insists that he's not trying to block the club, but only to help them out in a bind. Washington fans think otherwise. Personally, I like Red Wolves.
So with that, Dan Snyder did the right thing in this venture.
Ooooohhhhh, but there will be tough times ahead.
(References: ESPN, The Washington Post, NFL)
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