I wasn't going to really to elaborate on this since I had some drafts ready for me to finish, but I also didn't want to ignore it either. This is going to be a short one.
WWE superstars L.A. Knight and Grayson Waller appeared on an Australian morning show to promote the Elimination Chamber PLE in Perth next month. For Waller, the appearance was a homecoming as he is a native Australian. You would think that this is a joyous occasion for him. It turned really strange and awkward in due time.
The clip begins when a female host asks Knight to show her a wrestling maneuver. L.A. politely tells her that the maneuver is dangerous and looks miffed at the request. The male host asked their floor manager to come and be the recipient of a maneuver. Sensing trouble, Knight tells Waller if he could handle this situation. You see, L.A. Knight is one of the most popular and most profitable superstars in the company. He doesn't want to ruin that especially when WrestleMania is around the corner, and he is slated for a big match in that event. Asking Grayson to defuse this situation was smart on his part. The floor manager proceeded to mock Waller to the point where he threatened to punch him. The male host quickly noticed that this wasn't a ruse and told the floor manager to leave. They ended the segment rather awkwardly.
Look, we have our opinions about professional wrestling. You may think that it's fake or ridiculous, or you may think it's entertaining and you appreciate the performers for putting their bodies on the line every night. The problem with this is that these hosts and the floor manager basically mocked Knight and Waller for being professional wrestlers. I think the hosts were unaware that they legitimately pissed these two off. The floor manager deserved to get his clock cleaned for being a goof and mocking them. Many will say that Waller protected kayfabe during this. Let's be real, kayfabe died when wrestlers started posting backstage on social media and doing reality shows about life in the business. There are some who continue with kayfabe to preserve the oath of the industry.
Grayson defended his occupation, and it sucks that his fellow countryman and woman didn't give him the respect he deserved. He worked hard and is traveling around the globe and making a good amount of pay for entertaining thousands of fans in the arenas and millions watching at home. Why disrespect that?
Think of it this way, what if someone mocked you for what you do for a living? You probably wouldn't be too happy about that, right?
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